PANDA now works on mobiles and tablets!

PANDAi: the latest version of our safe nursing care tool

PANDA has a new name and a mobile interface

Developed in partnership with NHS Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital (GOSH), PANDA is used for paediatric safe nursing care assessment by several UK Trusts. You can find out more what GOSH say about it at GOSH PANDA: safe nursing care for children.

But PANDA has been around for a while and needs a new look and feel to work on mobiles and tablets . And to introduce some intelligence to simplify its use for busy nurses – welcome to PANDAi!

PANDAi on a mobile device looks like this…

The design challenge for mobile devices is to simplify the interface to minimise the data that needs to be displayed and reduce the scope for errors or mistyping.

Take a look at PANDAi on a mobile device in the video below and contact our product manager Tim Allard with any feedback at
PANDAi on a mobile. No sound. Best in full-screen mode.

For the Technical

PANDAi is built using the latest release of Microsoft .net Framework, .net 6. It also uses popular open-source libraries such as bootstrap, jquery and font-awesome. Page layouts are responsive, which means they automatically adjust to fit the dimensions of the screen. And we have applied the NHS style-guide to ensure ease-of-use and consistency with other NHS systems. Like PANDA v5 it uses SQL Server as the back-end Database. And there is also a RESTful API to support data exchange with other systems.

What Next? Other features we are considering include…

Use historical patient profile data to save nursing input effort

This could include automating the generation of the nursing needs using AI and based on planned admission data from the local EHR system. This would save input time and present a summary for the nursing manager to review. Nurses could then refine these automated recommendations based on a patient’s actual condition and observed needs. This would also improve the consistency of usage of PANDAi across users, wards and hospitals.

Alerts, Monitoring and Handling Staffing Level Issues

With increased automation comes the option to ‘manage by exception’ and set and trigger alerts when safe nursing thresholds are not met, saving nursing time and effort.

Integrating with other patient systems

PANDA has always integrated with Patient Administrative Systems (PAS) for patient movements. And it now integrates with the latest versions of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems Epic and Cerner via HL7 V2.

And it also integrates with Allocate’s SafeCare system to aggregate paediatric ward nursing needs to create a hospital-wide resourcing view.

PANDAi can also be integrated with other NHS Trust-wide patient, resourcing, reporting and dashboard systems to reduce input, improve data quality and share insights.

If you have any ideas or requests to make PANDAi even better then do let us know.

Need support for other safe care models?

Other adult, child and specialist safe care models are used in the UK and around the world. Do get in-touch if you would like to see support for these in PANDAi.

Want to know more?

We have a sandbox version of PANDAi available to current and prospective users so do contact us for access and more details at