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Saïd Business School & C-BIA in the time of COVID-19

Like many organisations during COVID-19, Saïd Business School (SBS) has had to cope with the pressures of changing working practices, increased workloads, budgetary pressures and remote-working. But unlike most, it now had its client base of students from 67 countries scattered around the globe. It faced a mammoth challenge in continuously and seamlessly connecting these
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Universities around the world are experimenting with Blockchain

Student Blockchains: helping Universities Become Digital and Improve Trust

Blockchain is known as the best tamper-proof technology in the world. There is no known way to fool it. This decentralized ledger system is being experimented with around the world in many sectors, including Education. For example, the Central New Mexico Community College provides new graduates with a diploma that is authenticated and recorded on
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Remote Working

IT: What is the New Normal?

Remote Working & IT: Keep Calm and Automate Everything! Remote working poses 4 demands on IT 1. Secure Access to Systems Remote access tools such as Virtual Private Networks (VPN’s) has made this an operational challenge, one of scaling and budget. Users can be equipped with laptops, security, and access software for remote use. But
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CBIA Pune Team

C-BIA: Empowering Women in Tech!

Q: How to create a committed team in one of the most competitive of tech cities? A: Recruit talented women returning to work, adapt to their needs and support their career goals! Our Pune, India office focuses on advanced Data Analytics. It is here we are building our INSIGHT platform. This is a ‘On Demand’
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Pilots and radiologists can have careers alongside AI

Al Med by Brendan Dunphy, CEO at C-BIA Consulting Ltd. First published at AIMed in response to OPINION: AI will lead to job losses in NHS radiology. There is nothing new to the discussion of job losses in medicine, especially in radiology, as new technology has been impacting jobs and professions for thousands of years
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C-BIA Consulting announces partnership with Energy House Digital

Putting customer data at the centre of our client’s business LONDON, 23rd April 2018 IT and digital channels have co-existed as separate platforms and activities in most businesses, each with a distinct focus, tools and data. As businesses become increasingly digital these activities and their respective data silos need to converge to generate actionable business
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